If you installed the Desktop/GUI version of Raspbian OS you have the incorrect sources for fetching Mono.I never instruct users to install the Desktop version so it wasn’t my instructions you followed.
I suggest you download the Lite version of of the OS from here and install and configure it via Putty on your Windows machine. Can you do that https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/operating-systems/
ok I will give that a try
Before you attempt anything I may be able to help you repair the sources file. Can you use the Nano editor in Putty
Sorry I already formatted the card
Try taking your time.Your frustration will only build if you don’t. One step at a time. As soon as you have burned that OS image onto the SD card you’ll need to add a blank file to the boot folder of the SD card.Do you know how to do this.
no not yet.sorry i keep getting told my message is too short
20 characters or more are needed here to send a message.Are you aware of that
i am now so the page tells me
ok the card says it is ready and i now need to add a blank file
Before you do anything else, do you have a screen,mouse and keyboard you can attach to the Raspberry Pi
yes i do have it still hooked up
Ok. Remove the SD card from the PC reader and insert it in the Raspberry Pi. Watch it booting until it asks you to log in.User name is pi and password is raspberry
Let me know when that is done
just setting up the laptop so i can use 2 screens
We just need the screen attached to the RPI at the moment
sorry it is saying no signal. let me check
Is your Raspberry PI connected via ethernet.It needs to be at this stage
Are you still there at the moment
sorry i need to setup another card
i dropped that one
The main goal here is to get the basics of the operating system setup correctly so you don’t have errors later.
yes. my hands can no longer be counted on too much because of the MS and the stroke i had. please be patient.