USB Camera Device

I am getting a little twisted up installing the Camera Device and need some help.

Installed Raspian Stretch on a PRi3B, then HG r526. UP&P, Z wave, and X10 are disabled.

HG installed the Camera Device package for USB cameras. Settings video0, 1280x720, 30fps, enabled

From there goto added group and then added module cameradevice AV0

Goto widget shows, but no video.

Went to cameradevice. Found the widget was not binding. Need to know what to bind the widget to?

Selected widget in group, big mistake. This is the twisted part. Now HG web UI is down. Any way to fix without total reinstall?

In SSH went to /dev/V4L/ ID shows SMI and Index0. So it looks like the camera is connecting. I just need help getting from the USB to the screen.

Also, I noted in the code for the widget that to view, just click on the widget. Nothing happened. Mostly because it was not binding and I did not get the widget set up correct.

Foot note: The camera does not state that it is V4L. However, verified function on WIN 10, and supplier says it will work on a chromebook.

Add on, I was able to get the camera running with Motion.

Hi, @tflemer.
What is Motion?

Thanks for the quick response. I didn’t really even know what it is. I followed a tutorial on installing a cam using RPi. It is a spy cam daemon for Linux. Ha ha.

Motion works, but is very slow. I set to 30 FPS. At first I though maybe Raspian was the problem. After looking at Top, either I have a network problem or have set a parameter in Motion wrong. My primary objective was to establish that the cam will run on Linux.

On HG I am having trouble knowing the order and proper steps to set up a cam. Any guidance would be helpful.

Thanks for sharing the link, maybe it will be helpful to someone.
Personally, I’ve never used USB camera with RPi and HomeGenie, but maybe someone else will able to provide any guidance.