Program "Trigger Code" help needed

I need to run a program based on the on-off state of a Jasco wall switch. When manually tripped on and off I captured the following for both the on and off state.
HomeAutomation.ZWave/14 Bedroom Outside light #14.ZWaveNode.NodeInfo Equals 04 10 01 25 27 73 70 86 72 77

To make matters more confusing every Jasco switch I have in the network produces the same numbers when tripped. Only the descriptor is different. ie–bedroom light #16 instead of #14. I number all my z-wave devices so I can keep track of them.

If the on and off signal when manually tripping the wall switch is the same value what do I use for the “trigger code” to differentiate between different switches and their on and off state?

Thank you for the help.