Open Weather Map and Version question

I have been using the Open Weather Map app for many years to turn lights on and off at the ranch. I just noticed that it has stopped updating. The error message I get when trying to “restart” it is—
ERROR: unable to get data from
]service. ‘string’ does not
contain a definition for ‘sys’

I am not a programmer just a long time user of HG. Any help with this error message would be greatly appreciated.
Also what is the latest version of HG?
Thank you for taking the time to look at this post…Alan

I wonder if the problem is a mismatch in the Open Weather versions. Currently at version 3.0 (see Weather API - OpenWeatherMap). …The HG website is at – I didn’t see a version in a quick wandering but looks like I should update mine!

Thank you for your idea. I am at a loss on my end as I am an appliance operator not a programmer. Should you decide to upgrade to version 3.0 would you be so kind as to let me know the step by step path you took to complete the change.
My basic need is just a way to track the sunset and sunset timing for the range z-wave modules.

OpenWeather working fine here on HG 1.3 v19.

What hardware and OS are you running HG on. Have you recently updated the OS.

Personally I wouldn’t upgrade to HG 1.4. Not enough testers road tested it (one I think) and you’ll get little or no support from the author these days.

Just answer the questions above and we can take it from there

Running Win11. I have all the latest updates.
I do not plan on upgrading HG. It’s been running the ranch as it us for years. Only clich is the weather app that I only use for Solar times.
Thanks for the help.

Ah, I’m running in Linux. You possibly did a Windows update that broke compatibility. Can’t really say for certain without a log.

Do you have a program called JKUtils Solar Altitude installed on HG. Go to Configure>Programs>Weather and Environment and confirm if you have it or not.

This program is a simple script that allows you to set timers based on sunrise or sunset times. if that’s all you need. You’ll find it here

You might want to read through this too. It gives a brief outline of the functionality of the program

I did not have JKUTILS. I have downloaded the file and have been able to fill in the required LAT and Longitude settings. I have not compiled and setup a new program on HG in years. I surmise I can use the scheduler to set up the modules I want to turn on and off.?

On another topic–you helped me years ago in getting a RaspberryPi setup to run HG. What are your thoughts as to the best way for me to continue running HG?

And really off topic. What version of Linux do you suggest for an older HP laptop 32 bit? My Linux Ubuntu version is no longer supported.

Peter–thanks for the help.

Once the program is enabled in the Weather and Environment section just follow the instructions to use it.

If you have a Raspberry Pi 3b+ lying about that is more than capable of running HG 1.3 v19. As I said I wouldn’t bother with HG 1.4 as I doubt few have upgraded and you’re at the mercy of the author for support which is patchy at best.

The sky is the limit for low resource Linux distro. Something like Mint with the XFCE GUI. In fact you don’t need a GUI as HG is a server application but you may not be comfortable working with the command line interface. You could also try Debian 32 bit which you’ll find here Download Debian
That will definitely work on your 32 bit system