I’ve 3d printed some mounts for my relays and pi as a quick tidy up (looking to move house so not investing time into this)
anyway thought id snap some pics if anyone was interested
not tidy but it will do… just mounted to some perspex that i had kicking about
What are you controlling.
texecom connect (alarm, next to it in the pic)
ikea tradfri
outputs on this
433mhz remote sockets via arduino
relay board for outside lighting
i also have another slave hg install in the garage which controls more outside lights etc
not many things controlled yet, perfecting it with non critical lighting!
I was wondering what the relays were for. That’s a nice system.
I have a similar setup using GE Alarm control panel. I’ve set it up with Homeseer and Vera already but wanted to do a HG interface for the GE panel.
The security panel is the best source for all types of sensors and it’s best having it at the heart of any HA system.
Hopefully I’ll get there. Will it be VB.net or C#. That’s the big question.
I used to do vb.net people said to change and you wouldnt look back… I shrugged it off… anyway I needed to write code for use at work and our primary language is c# so I bit the bullet and have never gone back and nothing would make me!!
Agreed, nor should a c# app be doing the security for your home! - My alarm has 8 Outputs that I can drive via the interface too… and 24 inputs which are connected to various sensors. The next house will have a switch hidden on each door, a pir in each room and a sensor on every opening window - or at least when I renovate it I will put the cables in for it (not a fan of wireless devices really)
I’ve posted this before, but the 161 you can see in the big pictre is the device I photographed:
This shows in more detail what that has:
Yes I have a wireless sensor on every opening and a PIR in every room thanks to the GE security panel and all are UL listed. A lot cheaper to implement than a bunch of the equivalent ZWave sensors and a lot more flexible too.
The security panel operates as a stand-alone system and is integrated to my HA setup so I definitely don’t depend on my HA setup as a last line of defence. Belt and braces approach 
The C# approach seems to be the most logical. I had the opportunity to learn C many years ago but took a different route in the Database world. Still, old dogs, new tricks can still be done 
few more pics… the hacked in garage install that needs sortingUploading…
the garage relays controlled by the alarm for turning off the garage lights and isolating the electric door…