Download the image and write to the sdcard
create an empty ssh file on the boot partition
Insert sd card and boot pi, noting ip address.
on a host machine running linux (I use debian within windows 10 - available from the app store) - Not on your PI… don’t even bother logging in to the pi… there is no need.
# Install ansible etc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pip git python-dev sshpass -y
sudo pip install ansible
git clone
cd HGConfigure/ansible/
# execute the playbook against your pi
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i, --ask-pass --become -c paramiko
where is your ip…
alternatively - edit the hosts file to contain all your nodes and execute:
Dont think there is a way of running it from windows unless you are on windows 10 (really should be too, so much better than 7!!) The only MS OS I have actually paid for
You could try doing it through cygwin… unless you have another pi?
I was just looking at Domoticz since I have a fresh RPi and was curious of their install steps. I haven’t tried it yet, but if it’s correct, we need a better installer!
The “easy” way
After setting up the operating system of your choice, you are now ready to install Domoticz. Assuming your Linux is Debian-based, like Raspbian or Ubuntu, installing Domoticz is extremely easy. Just open a terminal window and execute this command.
Just point your browser to the IP address of your Raspberry Pi, and use port 8080. From your Pi’s browser you could surf to
That’s about as ridiculously easy as it gets!
EDIT: I navigated to that link and found the reason it’s so easy is that “” is a bash script that installs everything kinda like how we were trying before. It’s got a nice interface on the installer too, so that might be something worth considering including.
Yes, I have already tried this approach for docker based installation (look at this post Running HomeGenie on boot in Linux-we really need a Systemd service), which is almost ready for production.
After that, I’ll do such script for plain installation (without docker, but with all other dependencies like mono and other libraries).
@bkenobi, to whom are you answering?
If it’s about my post - it’s ok that service didn’t start on Linux if it was x86 machine, because during my experiments I made docker image only for arm platform to run it on RPi. It won’t take a lot of efforts to do the same things for x86 platform.
I wasn’t referring to any post. I was just stating that I find services difficult to work with in general due to how Linux operates. I’m sure it’s just my skill level showing and nothing about the project.