Hi guys,
I searched in the various old posts but there is nothing that is simple enough for me to be able to integrate what I will try to summarize as briefly as possible.
The goal is to bring two values of my central heating unit into a two different Sensor Widged or into a new Custum widget.
These values are the Internal Temperature and the Set Temperature.
Since the heating system is connected online, after much research I managed to find the http string to get these values.
Through the Html command, I receive a JSON response from the broswer in which are listed, (among other Data), the internal temperature and the set temperature.
Please, is there anyone who is able to extract data from the Json response, so that it can be displayed into a widget within HomeGenie?
Below is a part of the Json response that contains the data set for the internal temperature (roomTemp) and set temperature (ConfortTemp Value).
{ “Mode”: 2, “allowedModes”: [0,1,2,5], “outsideTemp” 7.0, “holidayEnabled”: false, “holidayUntil”: “0001-01-01T00: 00: 00”, " dhwTemp “: {” min “: 35.0,” max “: 65.0,” value “: 35.0,” prevValue “0.0,” step “: 0.0},” flameSensor “: false,” dhwDisabled “: false,” zones " { “mode”: { “allowedOptions”: [2.3], “value”: 2}, “comfortTemp”: { “min”: 10.0, “max”: 30.0, “value”: 24.0, “prevValue” : 0.0, “step”: 0.0}, “desiredTemp” 0.0, “roomTemp”: 21.9, “derogaTemp”