Hello, the download link is currently missing on the homegenie website. Does someone know where i can download the latest version ?
Is Homegenie dead ?
Hello, the download link is currently missing on the homegenie website. Does someone know where i can download the latest version ?
Is Homegenie dead ?
Hi, Peter.
You can download the latest release of HG here: https://github.com/genielabs/HomeGenie/releases
The project is not dead completely, but it’s not being actively developed right now.
I’d say it is given there has recently been a release - Gene might not be working on it as much but others are - and he still merges PR’s
so I would say its certainly not dead…
thanks for the link
A shame that its slowly dying. I’m a long time user but i’m currently looking for alternatives.
I dont think there is a need to look at alternatives just yet - it may be that if we dont get pull requests merged then we just need to fork the project - but I’d be relucant to do that as anything but a last resort. I have done a fair bit of work on CI for the project which I could do with looking to merge too.