Trouble running HG on Server 2016

… BUT… Why do you need IIS installed?

have you tried changing the bindings?

Because I run some websites from my house.

Spent a lot of hours trying to figure out a problem but no luck.
Also tried to run Docker in Windows Server installed in Parallels VM (as I don’t have freely machine to install Windows Server without virtualization) - and failed again :frowning:

Hi, @Naps1saps.

Finally, I succeeded with running Docker inside Windows Server 2016 inside MacOS by replacing Parallels Desktop with VMware Fusion :crazy_face:.

So I was able to run HomeGenie inside Docker on Windows Server and looks that in this case there are no problems with hanging page loading.
I encourage you to try to run HG inside Docker on your Windows Server and report the results. The container I’ve prepared is not fully functional yet because it doesn’t mount volumes from host system so after stopping docker container you will lose all changes inside it. But it’s ok for now as we need to test the workability of this solution.

So, you will need to:

  1. Install Docker on your Windows Server:
  2. Run PowerShell console with administrative privileges
  3. Pull docker image with HomeGenie
    docker pull bounz/homegenie:test1
  4. Run docker container based using pulled image
    docker run -it -p 8081:80 bounz/homegenie:test1
  5. Try to access HG interface on address http://localhost:8081/
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I haven’t had a chance to run this yet but I’m still having similar issues with windows 10. Half the time I can’t get the page to load on my computers. I can never get it to load on my phone so the API calls won’t go through I think is what’s happening there. The page is responding fine and I just restarted the service and now it won’t load… This is getting frustrating. I think there are issues with the newer versions of Windows :\ Might be time to get a RasPi. I just cringe at the thought of yet another device running using more power than needed small as it might be. I really don’t understand what’s going on. I’m going to try your test docker image thing in win10.

The only thing I changed was adding that program from my post in automation.

-edit- restarted the computer and it’s loading… clicked close on the HG+ app, now its not loading. Not responding on any other computer or browser. Sigh. Please tell me I don’t need to wipe my installation again.

Ok got it up by running the HG icon from the desktop. Got a popup saying the service is running. Once the page loaded, all the other computers and browsers loaded. Something is getting hung up. It’s the same problem I get on my server but not as bad.
Clicked Programs and its not loading the list. Refresh… not responding again.

Looks to be related to the HyperV possibly. I paused the VM and now it suddenly decides to work after restarting the service.

Trying to use the local IP will load on my phone but coming in from external it will only load half way and stall. Maybe this is a networking issue.

I think my free domain host I’ve had for 10+ years is screwing me over because I can access it fine with my other paid domains through the same company however the DNS is hosted by cloudflair for the paid ones. I’m seriously angry. So disregard everything above I think until further notice.