Me again

It won’t either. What you need to do is avoid doing a restore of your HG before you have set up X10 on your new system. The problem is you are restoring from a backup of HG that was configured for a CM15 onto a new setup that is now using a CM11. The wrong driver is being restored every time.

What you need to do is establish that your CM11 is actually working. A vanilla install of Raspberry Pi OS and HG is required to remove any old settings that are being carried over from your restore.

I suggest you do this and instead of immediately restoring the HG backup, enable and configure X10 in your new install for the CM11 first and create a single X10 module you can use as a test.

Once you’ve established that the CM11 is working or not we can proceed from there. Remember DO NOT restore your HG backup until all of this is confirmed first.

Does your CM11 work in Windows.

What I can confirm is my CM11 works with HG on an RPI. I’m using a serial to usb cable with the Prolific chipset like this one 1 Port USB to RS232 DB9 Serial Adapter - Serial Cards & Adapters | Ireland

I have 2 CM11s. Each one will work with Windows 10 restored from a Pi install. I will attempt to do a fresh install, but that will need to be tomorrow. I am still recovering from a nasty shot of Covid 19 and need to take frequent breaks. Thank you once again for all your help. Catch you tomorrow.


Well that’s something. CM11s both confirmed working so I know I’m not wasting time. I assume you confirmed in Windows that your CM15 was dead.

I have a feeling you have some corruption in that HG backup you are restoring but I still need to confirm that the CM11/FTDI serial to usb cable combination will work on the RPI in HG.

As i said all I can definitely confirm is the CM11/Prolific serial to usb cable combination will work on the RPI in HG using the Prolific chipset.

As soon as you have the vanilla install completed whenever post back here and I’ll pick it up at some stage.

I am starting to again believe in RPi with HomeGenie. After a relapse of Covid that was not at all pleasant I returned to my Pi and HG. I borrowed back a Pi I had purchased and set up for a friend and a CM15 from another friend that was no longer being used. The RPi Buckeye set up on the first shot and the CM15 the same. Right now everything works for the first time this summer. So now my old Pi seems to be working as is my Windows install. I believe my first failure was possibly the old CM15 which in turn damaged my Pi. My USB to RS232 adapter apparantly was blown out and could not connect the CM11 to the pi. So right now this comedy of errors I have been in seems to be resolved. I will report back when i can tell this will continue to work.
Thank you very much for the guidance you have given me in this matter.


Sorry, that would be Bullseye, not Buckeye. Apparently, the Covid brain is still around.

Now that you are back in business take that solid piece of advice…backup. Backup by way of taking an image of your SD card. Keep that image file safe and also burn that image to a second SD card and put that card close by so if your system does indeed fail you can immediately swap cards in your system. Think of it as a replacement fuse.

Just to confirm, as a test I did a fresh install of Raspbian and HG and hooked up a CM11. Everything worked perfectly.

I can now confirm most of my system is now working as it was before my recent difficulties. I am now convinced I had either a power surge or lightning strike nearby as I have run into odd functions and mis-communications with my pi and X10 modules. My x10 transceivers have all started to behave either not at all or with odd performance. Anything controlled with pi or android works fine. Older controllers erratic. Motion sensors are working to the transceivers but will not relay commands to HG. My next step will be to replace the thansceivers with new and try that. Yes it has been an interesting summer, but things are starting to come back together. Can hardly wait to see what will happen next.

What happened next. I walked into the garage this morning and had the lights pop on. First time in weeks. This happened several times as I went in and out of my shop, and then stopped working again. I will try a new transceiver as soon as I can get one and see if this can be resurrected yet again. Hope so. My wife is starting to call me nice names again instead of how she has been referring to me in the past month.

Further to this - No matter whether I use an RR501 or TM751 the lights behave the same. One time fine, the next time nothing. I mean nothing. Nothing in the log. No lights except the little night light i have plugged into the module as a tattletale. I have this unit (one at a time) plugged in to a standard outlet, not the timed one. and am reaching the point of just putting up with it. It will, however continue to bug me but it can be lived with. This same arrangement worked well until whatever happened this summer. Any thoughts on this matter?

If you have a signal meter, you could possibly see what’s going on. I have the older XTBM which works great but the XTBM Pro would actually record data over a time period and allow you to look back at previous events. I should have upgraded but it’s too late now. Anyway, if you have a meter you can test what’s going on with different things turned on/off to see what affects the situation. You can do this without a meter, but it requires observation of pass/fail rather than levels on the power line.

From what you’ve laid out here it’s sounds more like an X10 issue rather than a HG issue. It might be more productive if you post this issue on the X10 forum where you’re more likely to find a solution.

Thanks. I will give them a try.

See you over there no doubt